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​Ekotumi / ・エコツミ・




Cultural multiform artist, Singer-songwriter, Dancer, Performer, Storyteller, Novelist, and New Mom.

日本神話をモチーフにしたシンガーソングライター / パフォーマー / ダンサー / ストーリーテラー / 脚本・小説家 / 0歳児母

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Artist Statement

When I sing, "I" do not sing.

I only listen to the voice of my body.

When I dance, "I" do not dance.

I just try not to let my body wander through the memory of the place.


In my body, there are an endless number of memories.

The memories from when I was born.The blood when I fell down. The sun on a day when I woke up unusually early. The fearfulness when it strangled a part of my soul. The songs when it made me fly forever and wherever. All the stories until the present day have piled up inside me, and that is why I exist here.


But that is not all.

Each story has its own context.

After I saw the beautiful twilight named, 

I knew the origin of this word " Who are you" and the story behind the word.

I looked up at the glorious moon and,

I noticed the ancient authors who composed WAKA, traditional Japanese poetry also saw this same moon.

I was born and continue to live in Japan, where mythology has been imbued in shrines and coexist with nature.


All of these things have piled up inside me and create my body and soul with dimly defined boundaries.

My body is filled with memories and stories of me and before me.


When I sing, "I" do not sing.

I only listen to the voice of my body.

When I sing, "I" do not sing.


When I dance, "I" do not dance.

I just try not to let my body wander through the memory of the place.

When I dance, "I" do not dance.





























Japanese mythology / 日本神話

I was born and raised in Tokyo, and from kindergarten to university, I have frequented Christian schools; thus I knew that there was a history to Japan, but I did not know about its mythology. “Kojiki” (the oldest Japanese historical book and there are myths) was only some word during the exams. I thought that great fantasies such as Greek or Scandinavian mythologies I adore were unthinkable in Japan. That made me believe that Japan was lacking culture―that was my state of mind by that time. When I graduated university and learned to sing, I stumbled upon the “kojiki” as I was looking for my own way to express myself. I was shocked to know that there was such exciting tales in Japan and whose characters were still living amongst Shinto shrines even today! The descendants of these 'tales', which could be called nonsense to say 'history' like the giant snake with eight heads, are shrines, where adults still pray earnestly in the present day. This country is not what I had imagined it to be. It was different from what we had been led to believe. We had roots. We must both inherit them and deny them, but we must start by recognising them.

There are so many myths in the world and it is classified into typologies. But they are different. Where do these differences come from? It is the difference in the climate of each country and, after all, contains the necessities for the people living in that region. Knowing the myths is linked to understanding the differences in climate and, by extension, the way of thinking of the people in the region. Myth is not a religion, but a living story of each country, a culture of the earth.
The more I perform overseas, the more I realise that Japanese mythology is a very interesting from a global perspective, because they are still alive today', and that I must tell the world about these 'tales' that are still little known. This is because the sense of living in a very close state with nature, a story of choosing coexistence rather than division, is one element that will change the world today.






Performance Art / パフォーマンスアート

Singing and dancing performance based on my artist statement. Apart from minimal rules such as time and place, the performance is improvised. Themes and use of location (venue) are decided on the spot, while singing and dancing in this performance art.
Our bodies in the city have long since become enslaved to our brains and thoughts. We tend to think that being conscious and controlled is a virtue. However, as noted in the artist's statement, our bodies are also thought to contain the memory of the many and varied forms of this body, the body that had the internal organs to live on land, the five fingers on its hands and feet, and the body that became bipedal. It is thought that not only the flow of evolution, but also the memories of each time, including the sound of the sea and the color of the sun, are all asleep. Using improvisation as much as possible, singing melodies that emerge without conscious thought, and moving the body on the body's own command, the piece explores the possibility of accessing a huge collective unconscious that is immanent and divine, beyond the senses of the self.





Site-Specific artwork / サイト・スペシフィック作品

Artworks which is related with not only the tales of the place (Japanese mythology) but also the specific place and the people in the place. It has started with the distance from others, the vulnerability of society and the desire to engage with people, which became apparent in the Covid-19 disaster. Like the community artwork 'Descent to the Earth' is an outdoor performance that moves between two shrines that are deeply rooted in the local area. 'Dream which you can see in the backside of your eyelids' is a video work that recaptures the various thoughts, regrets and vague fears of the time at the place where I was born and raised, recalling my own childhood through childbirth and childcare. NFT's visual music work 'Displayed Soundscape Series', in which only the workings of nature can weave movement, and others.




Artworks / アートプロジェクト


Why I sing / 想い

I felt fear. Honestly, all I felt was fear.

Ever since I was little, I was always scared of something.

My family home was in the middle of Tokyo. And yet, it was not an urban. It was a temple town, and the streets were always deserted.




Japanese Mythology / 日本神話


I was born and raised in Tokyo, and from kindergarten to university, I have frequented Christian schools; thus I knew that there was a history to Japan, but I did not know about its mythology. “Kojiki” (the oldest Japanese historical book and there are myths) was only some word during the exams.

I thought that great fantasies such as Greek or Scandinavian mythologies I adore were unthinkable in Japan. That made me believe that Japan was lacking culture―that was my state of mind by that time.


New Translation "KOJIKI" series
Contemporary Opera 


Music / 音楽


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