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Memories of a finger /

Lyric / 作詞

Ekotumi /・エコツミ・

Hiroshi Yoshida/吉田宏志

From the project to record 100 songs in one shot, "Memories of a finger"

subtitle/sous-titrage : English, Français, Русский, 日本語 

I, Ekotumi sing and compose inspired by Japanese mythology usually, but in this song, I was inspired by 'Snow Country' by Yasunari Kawabata who was a Japanese novelist and the first Japanese author to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968.


[Reading the lyrics]

You have shed words as tears  and walked away
You are now out of my reach  you are so strong

Would I be born again  I would find you
Even above the skies  if you bloomed

Oh, love of that day  scatter away
You are the only one who comes to confuse me

-Memories of a finger-
🌈whole lyrics


言の葉こぼして 歩き去った
もう手の届かない いと強き人

生まれ変わっても みつけてしまう
きみが咲くならば そらの上でも

あの日の恋よ 散り 去れ
きみだけがまだ 惑わせにくる


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