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The Birds' Song / とりのうた


Music & Lyric Ekotumi
作詞作曲 ・エコツミ・
Arrangement & Mastering Fumitaka Kato
編曲マスタリング 加藤史崇
Pronunciation coach Robyn Long McCammon
発音指導 Robyn Long McCammon

This song was created using sounds from the period of the global lockdown, March-May 2020.


subtitle/sous-titrage : English, Français, Русский, 日本語 

This song was created using sounds from the period of the global lockdown, March-May 2020.

I named it covid19-20 and

"Tokyo Chant"" is composed from soundscapes of Tokyo.

"A Wingless Country" is composed from soundscapes of Japan.

“The Soul Of Night” is composed from soundscapes of the world excluding Japan.

This "The Birds' Song" is from soundscapes of birds and insects in the world.

In total, the project consists of five different tracks, seven in all if you include Japanese and English. (The rest will be released this summer.)


“The Birds' Song” is composed by soundscapes which are the voices of birds, insects and natures from all over the world comprising 71 sounds from 66 areas.




Those sounds are positioned in the stereo field to give the impression of reality.

The point of origin is my atelier (Tokyo, Japan) and the center position is WHO:World Health Organization (Geneva, Switzerland).


起点は東京のアトリエ、中心となる基準地はWHO:世界保健機関 (スイス・ジュネーブ)です。


Places-World : Canada, Finland, France(Fontainebleau, Paris), Greece, India, Lebanon

Norway, Oman, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Switzerland, United States of America(California, Manhattan, Michigan, Santa Fe).


Places-Japan/日本国内エリア : 北海道、青森県、岩手県、宮城県、秋田県、福島県、茨城県、埼玉県、千葉県、神奈川県、長野県、愛知県、奈良県、和歌山県、島根県、岡山県、鹿児島県、沖縄県


Places-Tokyo/東京都内エリア : 葛飾区、足立区、台東区、荒川区、板橋区、練馬区、中野区、青梅市、立川市、小金井市、世田谷区、目黒区、品川区、大田区、港区、千代田区、新宿区、大田区、江東区、江戸川区


Sound Supporter : Ako Nagasué, 荒仲けい, Bouhours Benjamin, Carole Fleury, CBR, 千野一宏, ちんしゃん, FUMI, GFM, gin, Glenn Brill, GMK, Guillaume Cousson, hikonoki, HozonoJunichi, 笠原義久, Keiko Kikkawa, Kimmo Ojuva, 小松聡一,Lucia Oliva, M'SA, MANA, Marla Allison, Mayu Sato, 望月雅広, 木工房玄翁屋, MWW, Nachi Usuda, Nakadai Takako, Ogura Hisayoshi Onga Seisakushow, ONK, Orie Urao, S, 崎山弥生, Sam Coffman, 佐野雅子, 佐野哲史, sayumeron, SKM, Tala A. Semaan, 塚本あい, Wariishi Kazutaka, YAO, 横道毅, YST, yume




When this world stormed into the Covid age,

(While I felt the darkness and it would be long period.)

I felt anyway it would end someday.






So I decided to create songs with the soundscapes under the covid-19.

I asked friends and relatives to record the sounds around you where the lockdown was still going on.

Because I wanted to remember this tough curious days in our memories.

I am are sure that one day, in the blink of an eye,

we will forget what we thought and felt in these days.








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