Maternity Dance "You are still sleeping" / マタニティMV「ねむるきみ(英語版)」
This music video was shot when I am pregnancy with 9 month belly.
The theme is my own question. Does a 'Mother' have to be 'Mother-like'?
「お母さん」は「お母さん」っぽくなくちゃいけないの? という私自身の問いかけをテーマに制作しました。
- Japanese version 日本語版 「ねむるきみ」
(英 ‘Nemuru Kimi’)
- English version 英語版 "You are still sleeping"
Spotify / Apple Music / Pandra Deezer, Youtube Music, Amazon music ,Youtube Music, LINE Music, and more
Japanese ver 日本語版
English ver 英語版
Does a 'Mother' have to be 'Mother-like'?
Because I am the person of inability to carry a pregnancy to full term, I had several experiences to have my baby in my stomach and lost the baby secretly.
I believe the life without children is also wonderful. For example, the world tour to sing and dance. And drinking alcohol with laughing after the concerts. I wanted to prioritize my career. I enjoyed my life.
Even so, I was overjoyed every time I got pregnant, and cried every time I had a miscarriage.
When I talked to few people about the pregnancy, some said "Can you raise a baby? You are not the type of mother." I felt I had a miscarriage because I am not the mother type. Maybe I should be 'mother-like' to be a 'mother'??
But I wanted to be who I am.
At the same time, I felt I was extremely arrogant person who choose own self than new baby and I, myself also thought I don't have a ticket to be 'mother'.
Suddenly, this pregnancy also will be ruined...
I worried so everyday and every time. I always prayed.
I didn't want to do anything. I wanted to stay my house safely everyday.
But I also felt I truly wanted to create new artwork and express myself with my body and heart which were changing day by day as an artist.
I chained myself. I almost couldn't breathe.
I couldn't stand myself who did chain myself.
But to be a mother, do I have to be 'mother-like'?
Is it better for my baby if I become 'mother-like'?
Do I have to give up a lot of things to be 'mother-like'?
I don't want to erase who I am and repaint it 'mother'.
I'd like to add 'mother' to 'me'.
I decided to no more chain myself.
I expressed these thoughts and struggles in my new music video.
After I entered the stable period, I restarted training with three different types of trainers specialising in maternity.
"I can dance up to this point." "This angle is no good." We checked every millimetre of the angle.
Finally we did.
This is a Nine months pregnant shoot and I enjoyed who I am.
Pregnant or not, I hope that people who watch this will feel a little bit of their own potential.
May you see the 'role' handed to you silently, not as a fetter, but as a new possibility.
*After this video shooting, Ekotumi safely delivered the baby at full term.
This song was created using field recording sounds from the period of the global lockdown, March-May 2020.
I named these experimental songs project as "covid19-20".
"Tokyo Chant" is composed with soundscapes of Tokyo.
"A Wingless Country" is composed with soundscapes of Japan.
"The Soul Of Night" is composed with soundscapes of the world excluding Japan.
"The Birds' Song" is composed with soundscapes of birds and insects in the world.
And this song is composed with soundscapes from all over the world.
The 295 sounds from 128 areas.
Those sounds are positioned in the stereo field to give the impression of reality.
The point of origin is Tokyo, Japan where Ekotumi's atelier and the center position is WHO:World Health Organization (Geneva, Switzerland)
Places:Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Ethiopia, Finland, France(Fontainebleau, Marseille, Paris), Germany, Greece, India, Italy(Florence, Milano, Spezia), Lebanon
Norway, Oman, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, UAE(Abu Dhabi, Dubai), United Kingdom(Guildford, London), United States of America(California, Manhattan, Michigan, Santa Fe) and more.
Japan areas /日本:北海道、青森県、岩手県、宮城県、秋田県、福島県、茨城県、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、神奈川県、富山県、石川県、福井県、山梨県、長野県、岐阜県、静岡県、愛知県、三重県、滋賀県、京都府、大阪府、兵庫県、奈良県、和歌山県、島根県、岡山県、香川県、福岡県、長崎県、熊本県、宮崎県、鹿児島県、沖縄県
Tokyo areas / 東京:千代田区、中央区、港区、新宿区、文京区、台東区、墨田区、江東区、品川区、目黒区、大田区、世田谷区、渋谷区、中野区、杉並区、豊島区、北区、荒川区、板橋区、練馬区、足立区、葛飾区、江戸川区、立川市、青梅市、調布市、小金井市
起点は東京。・エコツミ・のアトリエ、中心となる基準地はWHO:世界保健機関 (スイス・ジュネーブ)が真正面の0度です。
Sound Supporter
Abebe Teferie, Adina Teferie, Ako Nagasué, Anderson Sudario, Aurélie Vandecasteele, banno, Bouhours Benjamin, BY, Carole Fleury, CBR, CKD, CYR, EKK, Félix Garcia, FUMI, G, GFM, gin, Glenn Brill, GMK, Guillaume Cousson, H.IWANE, H.K, hikonoki, HozonoJunichi, ITTOKU TOMANO, Jack, Jani Viswanath, Joshua Noël, Kahou Nakabayashi, Keiko Kikkawa, Kimmo Ojuva, KK2, KM, Kumiko Kikuchi, KZY, LCV, Lívia Éri, Lucia Oliva, M.CHATANI, M'SA, MANA, Manlima, Marla Allison, Maya & Ichika, Mayu Sato, momoco iwamoto, MWW, Mykolas K, Nachi Usuda, Nakadai Takako, NI, OBK, ONK, Orie Urao, S, Sam Coffman, sayumeron, SKM, SOYAMAX, Tala A. Semaan, TARO, TOM, tomoya, Wariishi Kazutaka, YAO, YST, yume, Yumiko Nakano, 荒井正道, 荒仲けい, 今井 利光, 大野由佳, 大原万里亜, 小倉久佳音画制作所, 笠原義久, かまちゃん, 久保田あやこ, 小松聡一, 音霊奏者 咲ita, 崎山弥生, 佐熊修, 佐藤真也, 佐野雅子, 佐野哲史, ジャン・ピリコ, 千野一宏, 茶谷 英司朗, ちんしゃん, 塚本あい, 葛岡有, 電気女子, 中野さゆり, 南海鷹彦, のびっと, 白道龍, 広瀬咲楽, 前田暁彦, 麻友子, 宮里彩佳, 望月雅広, 木工房玄翁屋, やまちゃん, 横道毅
Music & Lyric Ekotumi / 作詞作曲 ・エコツミ・
Arrangement & Mastering / 編曲マスタリング Fumitaka Kato
Pronunciation coach / 発音指導 Robyn Long McCammon
Movie Mizuki Tagawa Masanori Morishita /撮影 田川瑞貴 森下昌敬
Hairdresser & Makeup Arakaki Erina/ ヘアメイク 新垣絵里奈
Haircut / ヘアカット Hiromi Tanaka (moga)